Tuesday 4 October 2011

More Props

As the month is now October, all the Halloween products are out in the shops, and so I've made best use of this by buying some extra props that I think will look really effective in my video.

I 've got ideas to use the same shot of Ellie's eyes open a number of times, but changing the fake eye lashes each time, and then could speed it up in a fast cut montage to exaggerate the lyrics 'close your eyes in time'. Then at the end of the montage to do the similar shot of Ellie's eyes closed to exaggerate the lyrics 'you might get to miss this'.

Ellie will also be wearing the various different eyelashes throughout the video, but this means I've got to be careful that the video flows and the different eyelashes don't change when I cut to a similar shot.

I've also purchased a plastic jewel-like ring that could match the red eyelashes and shown as she sweeps her hair out of her face to add extra colour and interest to the shot.

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