Thursday 17 November 2011

Final Magazine Advert

To create the magazine advert, I adapted the picture of Kieran used on the front panel of the digipak, as well as changing the size to A4 and adding the relevant information. I wanted to make sure that the advert was quite similar to the digipak to help the audience make the connection between the two and increase the audiences recognition of the artist. 

I created and edited this using Serif PagePlus 11, like I did the digipak, and used a range of techniques to help make the advert look more professional. I stuck to the rule of three colours, blue, black and white to increase the effectiveness of the advert, and to make sure that the audience weren't too confused with the colours that it would lose their interest. To grab the audiences attention I purposely used a direct image of Kieran looking straight into the camera on both the advert and the front panel of the digipak, as I thought this would help draw in the audience and encourage them to read more and gain and interest in what they're looking at. 

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