Tuesday, 22 November 2011


So far I've nearly completed my video, apart from two sections which I need to re-film due to them not turning out the way I expected.

Problem 1
The first problem was that I filmed a clock for hours, whilst it was stuck to my conservatory window as the background faded to the evening. However this didn't work as planned when I uploaded it onto the iMac, as iMovie's features of speeding up footage only goes up to 2000% which was no where near fast enough for what I had wanted. 

Solution 1
To overcome this I've decided to change the shot slightly, I'm going to re-film the clock against the window for a couple of hours, but then super impose this onto another shot. The other shot will have the camera in exactly the same place, but I'm going to get my actor to stand in various places behind the window in the background, and jump cut it quickly to the beat. This will allow the clock to be sped up whilst Kieran is jump cutting in the background but in real time. 

Problem 2
The other problem I had was filming the spinning aerial shot to end the video. I attempted it by taping string around my camera and gently spinning it, but this meant that I had no control as to what it was showing as it was swinging all over the place. Because I was holding the string it also had a handheld effect which I didn't want. 

Solution 2 
I'm going to re-film this, using a lighting pole which has a hole that I can feed the string through, and therefore enhance the control. It should also keep it more balanced and make it not look as handheld, giving it a smoother finish, making it much more suitable for the last shot of my video as the song fades out.

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