Monday 26 September 2011

Location Shots

Here are a range of shots from the locations in which I plan to shoot my video. They are all in Hitchin which I have easy access to.

I've chosen the green with the bench and tree, as I think that I could do some really interesting shots with both characters. An example of this being keeping the camera in the same position, but getting the charcters to be sat/standing/acting in different areas of the shot to show what stage their relationship is at in comparison to the song. This could then be edited together in a fast cut montage changing on the beat of the song. Another shot that I'm really excited about is a spinning aerial shot, looking down on the vintage mic with the wire underneath on a mixture of grass and leaves, which would be fine to use in my location. I've also looked at the river by the church and thought that I could try and do some reflection shots if possible.

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